Monday, June 1, 2015


So.  I'm  a mom of two kids.  They're teenagers now.  There is something I've been struggling with lately.

It makes me sad that we aren't able to give them everything they want or do for them things that would be very cool for them.

For example, we recently had the opportunity to buy an amazing car for my son, but we couldn't afford it.  It's  possible that we could have used the money in our savings account to buy the car but then we would have to pay insurance and upkeep.  We just don't  have the cash flow to manage.

We also have the opportunity to adopt a horse we already know and love.  But the cash we had set aside for that and the property improvements that needed to be done went for an emergency.  Those things happen and can't  be helped. Also, see above regarding upkeep.  Much more money than a car.

Here's the problem.  Thou shalt not covet.   I see families getting all these things and doing things and it's really hard not to be covetous.   We are also trying to get and stay debt free. It can be super tempting to charge the things I want.  But that is absolutely not waiting on God's timing.  So I am thinking that I need to take a breath, relax, and be content with God's current provision for us.  God's  current provision is amazing.  The other things may or may not come but I want with all my heart to be content without them.